Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I Guess He Never Escaped the Bacha Bazi 'Grooming'

Senior Leader of Al Qaeda Group Captured While Dressed as Woman

For the readers who are not aware of the term, Bacha Bazi is the disgusting practice of taking the innocence of young boys by forcing them to dress up like women and dance around, and then using them for sex acts which are perpetrated by adult males. It is a practice that originated in the middle east, especially in Afghanistan. It is no wonder that these young men are so angry by the time they get a bomb belt, or get their hands on an AK 47.

It should be noted, that in a Muslim country, the punishment for a homosexual act according to Islamic law is supposed to be death, so then let me see if I am understanding this. The grown men force young boys to engage in homosexual acts, and then when they exhibit signs of this behavior later in life, they are killed for being homosexual. That would be on par with stoning a woman for adultery, after she reported she was raped, tricking an eight year old girl to carry a suicide bomb vest and then blow her up remotely, or kidnapping boys as young as ten, and then forcing them to carry an AK 47 as a soldier.

Yep, the religion of peace has it all.

Uncle Jimbo elaborates further on the abuse of young boys here.

Some more 'enlightening' viewing here.

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