Friday, December 25, 2009

Here We Go Again... appear that the people in the media are about as good at their job as the people who "keep you safe". It has now gone from setting off a fire cracker as reported earlier, to a failed attempt to blow up a plane.

Suspected Plane Bomber Claims Link To Al Qaeda - White House: Incident Was Attempted Terrorist Attack

Mudallad was on a terror watchlist, King said. The White House is calling the incident an attempted terrorist attack. The FBI is investigating, and stricter security measures were being implemented.

Let's see now. He was on a freakin terrorist watch list. I guess the Air Marshals didn't get the memo on that. Stricter security? Maybe they will make grandma take off her shoes twice now, because profiling is not politically correct.

So at the risk of being redundant, I will once again state for the record, that politically correct sucks, and will end up getting innocent Americans killed.

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