Monday, December 28, 2009

Uncle Jimbo Hits it Out of the Park Again (Christmas terror attempt)

Uncle J has just released a detailed approach how to get the ball rolling on this latest wave of attacks that are ready to be released here on American citizens. It doesn't have a title, but you can find it on his site here. Below is a quote from his commentary:

And while we are at it, can we get this jackass strapped to a waterboard as soon as possible? Feel free to ask him some questions and then let’s fact check his ass the old-fashioned way. If he has been to Yemen to get fitted for his panty bomb, then we could really use some names and numbers.

Click here for an interesting and humorous perspective on water boarding.

I know sometimes I sound like a broken record, but the way we are handling enemy combatants with kid gloves in our usual politically correct fashion defies all Gun Shy logic. A while back I was discussing counter terrorism with some fellas from the Israeli military, and they told me a tale about a suicide bomber who was wired for sound and hanging out in a club waiting to touch off his explosive belt/vest. A young Israeli who was IDF picked up on the situation (profiled him), rushed the bomber before he could detonate and threw him off the balcony. I was told that the bomber seriously fragged himself on the way down, but the damage that he did to the innocent club goers was minor in scope. I have no way to verify the story, but I believe that the person explaining the situation had credibility. It is time for America to get real, and stop making grandma take her shoes off while acting like this is somehow a key element in helping us win the war on terror.

Click here for some bonus bad news.

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