Monday, June 8, 2009

Stolen Gun Investigation For OPD Chief Still a News Topic

Demings questioned on gun investigation

Watch the video. Now if there is a cover up then it should be revealed, but if there is not, then the news is just looking for something else to sensationalize to try and get readership. Once again, Chief Demings did not give her firearm to criminals, it was stolen. Criminals are so brazen in Central Florida, that they break into the trunks of locked police vehicles and steal firearms any chance they get. With that said, the Demings Duo have been proactively hammering crime here in the greater Orlando area it seems, because the reports of violent crime in the news have been going down steadily. They have mobilized teams out on the streets to shake it up, to stop incidents before they happen. Last week another news agency complained about those actions. Go figure.

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