Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gun Shy is Awaiting America’s First Black President

I am sure some of the readers are thinking, what the heck are you talking about Gun Shy? Where have you been for the last couple of years? Gun Shy understands that there may be some Americans who are not be aware of the fact, that Mr Obama is actually America’s first mixed race president. You see, Mr Obama’s mother was a white American, and his father hailed from Kenya, therefore he carries the genetic traits of both races. In short, the DNA gives it away. So if anyone accuses you of being a racist because you do not like what Mr Obama is doing to America, if you are white tell them that you do not like what the white part is doing, and if you are black tell them that you are unhappy with what the black part of Mr Obama is doing. The bottom line, is that he has undertaken actions to embarrass both races unfortunately. As a side note, as the American and Israeli Jewish readers are aware, if a child is born of a Jewish mother, then the child is considered a Jew by birth, even if the father of the child is of a Black race that is not Jewish.

There are a few black men on the political scene, that have the potential to make excellent presidents of our nation. A man that I have been following is former Army Lt Col Alan West. From all that I have read, and the video of his speeches that I have watched, this man appears to be a man of honor and courage who has a real world understanding of the hurdles that we are facing as a nation. Another man whose approach I found to be interesting was a man named Alan Keyes. Mr Keyes is very passionate about what he believes which led to exposing what Mr Obama truly believed (he said he was a Christian), and his Christianity was called into question when Alan Keyes debated Mr Obama when he was running for a senate seat in Illinois.

So as I have detailed above, Gun Shy is waiting for Americas first Black President. I only hope that if it is former Lt Col Allen West, that his progressive detractors do not try to label him as racist as they have everyone else they do not agree with.


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