Thursday, January 3, 2013

Feinstein's Silly Socialist Style Sound Bites on Gun Control

Here are some of the many terms Ms Feinstein has coined to describe what boils down to a small caliber semi automatic rifle:

Assault weapons, killing machines, military style weapons,
military style 'assault' weapons, killing weapons, weapons of war.

Here are some of her sound bites with a little Gun Shy commentary below them:

I don't BELIEVE the second amendment covers them.

No one cares what you believe Ms Feinstein. You didn't author the document that guarantees the right to keep and bear arms to all Americans. If you can determine the latitude of the second amendment, then we should be able to define the parameters of the first. That would mean that you would be limited to standing in the town square on a soap box to speak or writing a letter to get your point across to the masses, as the bill of rights never mentioned the use of television, newspapers, or radio, because they didn't exist at the time of the writing.

The rights of the many to remain safe, are more important than any right you may THINK you have to have a military style assault weapon.

This is typical 'democracy logic' where 51% make the rules for everyone else. Unfortunately for Ms Feinstein, we live in a Republic, where everyone is guaranteed their rights equally under the bill of rights, a document that men better than her and her cronies (Biden 5 time deferment, Bloomberg deferment for flat feet, Bill Clinton 'education' deferment) fought and died to defend. Shall not be infringed is not some whimsical subjective term that Feinstein gets to define. It was paid for with the blood of courageous heroic men...who used firearms to defend the rights of Americans.

Please repeat after me Ms Feinstein:

I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands...

Oh, and while we are chatting, how are you doing on that Oath you swore to uphold and defend the Constitution? She goes on to say:

And the only thing that's consistent in all of them, is the guns. And that's the conversation we need to have...

It may take a year, it may take two, it may take three...

It appears that she tipped her hand with these statements. She has a plan with start point, and an end point, and the goal is to ban all the guns eventually. Guns Shy has an idea for Ms Feinstein. Maybe she should try banning and confiscating all the guns in her home town/district of San Francisco first as a model. After all, tough gun laws worked out really well for Obama and Rahm Emmanuel in Chicago...the murder capital of Illinois, and possibly even the U.S...

...or maybe even the world. More people were killed in Chicago than overseas this year. Maybe we should 'pull out' of Chicago.

If you are reading Ms Feinstein, here is a video especially for you:


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