Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Janet N Got Something Partially Right

Napolitano says public should help fight terrorism


Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says the U.S. government has not done everything it can to educate and engage the public in preventing terrorism…

…She said the public has been treated as a "liability to be protected," instead of an asset in maintaining the nation's security…

…Americans, she says, have a role along with local law enforcement, the federal government and the international community. She urged people to prepare their families, volunteer, get free training and join local emergency response teams.

Let me help you out here a little Ms N. First of all, you need to tell your boss in Washington that law abiding citizens need to have their constitutional right to carry re-issued in Chicago and New York City. Next, you need to approach all of your fellow liberal democrats such as Chucky Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Bab's Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Michael Bloomberg, etc, and inform them how a national right to carry law is the first defense against a terroristic act on American soil. Until you do that, what you have said is just feel good political rhetoric, and I really can't take any of it seriously. With all of the former military and law enforcement in this nation, as well as well trained private citizens, if these law abiding Americans are armed, then the balance of power is immediately shifted in America's favor.

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