Saturday, July 11, 2009

Orlando is Always on Someone's List

Orlando Gets Top Vacation Title In Forbes

ORLANDO - Can you name the number one vacation spot in the country? Look around. You're living in it! Forbes Traveler magazine says despite all of our economic troubles, Orlando remains the number one vacation spot in North America.

Forbes ranked us “high” in another category, as one of the most dangerous cities in America. Quite the paradox isn't it? You can read about that here.

Orlando has recently been recognized for another reason:

Orlando Among Worst On Best Driver List

ORLANDO -- Orlando drivers came in number 146 on a list of 200 released by Allstate Insurance Company. The fifth annual “Allstate America’s Best Driver Report” uses car collision frequency data from 200 cities to determine where the safest drivers reside.

...Orlando drivers are still almost 26 percent more likely than other drivers across the nation to be involved in an accident.

Tell me about it. Gun Shy has driven on highways in every major city, as well as the narrow roads of third world banana republics. The 408 and I4 are truly something to behold. It is definitely true that Orlando ranks “high” on a number of counts. Let’s review some of Orlando’s other accolades:

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